Lock and Key

On Tuesday night, I came home exhausted to realize that I had locked my keys in my apartment, and there was no way for me to get into our building or our apartment. EH was with friends in Central Park, but just as I was about to ask her to come home to let me in, Angel's barely English-speaking brother saw me standing outside the front door, and he let me inside the building. He went to get Angel and I was so relieved! Angel would have a spare key and could let me in. But then through a conversation in very broken Spanglish, I learned that Angel doesn't have a spare key to our apartment. I was both disappointed that he couldn't let me into my apartment and relieved that he couldn't let himself into my apartment. As Angel was trying to explain this to me, Angel's bro left and came back with a hammer and screw driver. I hoped that what I was imagining was not about to happen. But it did.

Angel wedged the screwdriver between the door and the door jam, and POP opened my door. It took 4 seconds. It wasn't loud and it didn't leave a mark. With huge eyes, I thanked Angel and closed the door behind him.

I now will be keeping my computer under my bed when I leave for work. I did an inventory on my possessions, and it turns out that's the only thing I own of value. That, and my keys.


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