Mama loves you both!!

Ok I've been feeling a little bit torn between my blog and my column for The Post. Like when something funny or interesting happens, I have this big internal debate: blog or column? blog or column?

The blog has stuck by me for so long. It has  let me blabber on it way before I knew anything about format or editing. It has been there though so many nights of (academic) writer's blog and housed some of my biggest secrets, fears, and dreams. This good 'ol blog is like those trusty pair of jeans that Taylor Swift is always talking about in her songs. It's comfortable and welcoming and like home.

But now I have this column! And to say that I write a column just sounds so Carrie Bradshaw to me that sometimes I can't even handle it! I don't get paid to write it, but still, just the title itself makes me feel like a sort-of real writer! Plus my column has other friends, other writers and columns so it's sort of like a community. And more people can read it, people that I don't even know! It's new and exciting and exhilarating!

So I'm going to try my best to split up the good stuff evenly between the two. I'm like a mother with two sort of whinny, self-centered children, and I need to find a way to appease them both.

So I gave my blog the Poconos, and I gave my column the Israeli Real Estate firm. But now technically I'm giving my blog my column too.. so I don't know how that really works with the mother/children analogy. Hadn't thought that one through...

Anyway... Here's another article:

"She'll Work Hard for the Money"


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