Over the past Christmas break, I had the privilege of spending some quality time with JK and her bf MJ (not Michael Jackson). They had been dating for over 7 months, so I sat them down and said, "You guys, it's time. Make your relationship facebook official already." They had many counter arguments for my request, but I countered those arguments right back. JK and I were like freshman debaters all over again. I almost took out a yellow tablet and started flowing our points and rebuttals. But at the end of the night, perhaps simply to appease me, they said that when they get engaged, then they promise to put it on the 'book.

And guess what? THEY DID!!

JK called me 30 minutes after he proposed, and of course I screamed and laughed and was obnoxiously happy for her, but when I saw their relationship status set to "engaged' on FB 3 minutes ago, I had the exact same reaction. Does this mean that perhaps I'm a little too reliant on facebook as a reliable source? I think it just means I like  to see some documentation.

I'm so FREAKING happy for these two young, brown haired, Jesus loving friends of mine, and I can't wait to watch them build their lives together. Congratulations you two!!


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