It's a delivery curse!!

The other day EH and I had to schedule our day around a visit from the exterminator to inspect our apartment for those nasty bed bugs you may have heard of. I was at a nanny interview in a NY suburb, and EH had to miss two classes to be home during the time of the inspection, a time that the exterminating company scheduled between 1-5pm. Our management company had warned us that if we miss our inspection time, we will have to pay to reschedule.

At 12:50 while I was getting of the train trying to grab a taxi to take me to my interview, I got three calls from our management company informing me that the exterminators were at our apartment. EH got home from class at 1:06, and they were gone. Then they came back at 1:23, when EH was taking out the garbage. We missed them. Twice.

Then yesterday, I grounded myself to our apartment all day and night waiting for 7 of EH's packages from home. If we aren't home when UPS delivers, we have to go get them ourselves. This is especially problematic in a city like NY without a vehicle. So I stayed, and I waited. I didn't even shower I was so worried about missing them. But I did put in a load of laundry in the laundry room in the basement. And when I came up to our apartment 2.5 minutes later, the UPS deliverer had come and gone leaving no packages but instead a note saying, "Sorry we missed you!"

So we haven't been inspected and we don't have any of EH's boxes (which carry only minor necessities like silverware, pots, pans, tools, etc.) This is a pretty boring story, actually... but sometimes a girl's just gotta vent!! We're cursed!


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