Recent NYC Happenings

Whoa, baby. I live in New York City! It's only been 5 days, and I'm already falling behind on documenting this unbelievable experience. I have been so lost, astonished, confused, elated, and exhausted, but above all I feel so alive.

Let me first introduce my friends/roommates/tour guides... EH is a best friend from high school. We currently share a room, a futon, and a suitcase covered bedroom floor, and we're hopefully moving into our new apartment next week. Until then, we're staying with EH's best friend EO and her boyfriend. We're so lucky that they're letting us crash here until we get moved in! There are also a couple of other guys who live here too, who are great and are actually really diligent about putting down the toilet seat. Thanks guys! In total there are 3 boys and 3 girls.. but we're nothing like the Brady Bunch. Trust me.

Thanks to my new friends and their ability to navigate the public transportation system (which I still have yet to conquer), I've been able to see a lot of the city in the few days that I've been here. We've been to gallery openings in Chelsea, an underground bar in SOHO, an NYU swim team party on the lower east side, and a movie in Harlem. The friends are great and so is the food. I've eaten chinese food (the real stuff), thai food, and the most amazing breakfast sandwich from the corner deli. In an amazing turn of events, in the first few days of being a New Yorker I managed to find an apartment and I found a job! Things are all working out so far, and I'm feeling good about it.

Even though being a single, 24 year old woman living in NYC is pretty damn fabulous, I do find myself missing my friends, my family, and my jeep... three things that this city just can't compete with.


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