There are some brilliant, beautiful, inspiring people in the world who really love me, and no matter what I do, I still can't quite figure it out. They remember me on happy days like graduation and sad days like anniversaries. They call and email, and they drive hundreds of miles to hang out with me. Just to hang out! I know I don't deserve it, but I'm sure glad they haven't caught on to the fact that they are all much cooler than I am (and please, don't tell).

This past month, my friends have gone out of their way (way out of their way) to spend time with me before I go. It all sort of hit me on Friday night when we were dancing at Club David in SF and CS requested "New York State of Mind"by Jay-Z. When the song came on, I ran up on the sweaty stage to share a sweaty mic with the sweaty DJ (if that's what you want to call him), and my friends were waving their arms and screaming the lyrics with me. As [admittedly] corny as it all sounds. I knew looking down at them that that moment is one I can always come back to when I'm feeling ignorant and disgusting and boring and completely unlovable. Because even though I have no flipping idea why, these really amazing people really love me (and I'm going to soak it up while it lasts).


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