A Jury of My Peers

My roommate KS is in law school, and for her trial tech class, she needed volunteers to serve on her mock trial jury. Of course LS and I jumped at the chance! We love everything Law & Order and were so excited to see our rockstar friend in action, but we were both a bit concerned about our longstanding issues with church giggles and initiation giggles. We feared that court room giggles could be the worst yet. Regardless, we put our fears behind us and braved the court room. There was some stifled and outright laughter, but for the most part, we behaved ourselves. We even learned a thing or two!

So... If you ever get summoned to [mock] jury duty
  • Bring something to write with. That way, every time something happens that makes you want to say a smart ass remark to the person sitting next to you (LS), you can write it down and discuss during recess.
  • Come prepared. Bring a list on non-funny images to counteract all of the courtroom comedies you've ever seen that will inevitably storm your brain causing you to smile (or worse yet, laugh) uncontrollably and inappropriately (My Cousin Vinny did me in)
  • Learn your lesson.  I know I will never look at a middle-aged woman on a crosswalk the same again. Oh Kathryn Potter, may you rest in peace.

We, the jury, find the defendant... at Carey's with the rest of the law school gang. God, I love the justice system.


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