Oral Exam: It's Not What You're Thinking

Tomorrow is a big day because I have my oral exam/program defense. "What is an oral exam?," you ask? (hold the jokes- it's not that kind of oral exam).

Well, it's the last flaming hoop I have to jump through before graduation (I guess if you don't count the seminar paper, creative non-fiction piece, and annotated bibliography project all due before December 18th). From the hours of 11:00-12:00 I will be sitting in a small conference room with my committee, which consists of one ed school professor, one English professor, and my advisor and committee chair. During that one hour, they will ask me questions about what I've learned in each of my classes and how it fits in with the program and with other courses. They'll ask me about my teaching pedagogy and philosophy. They'll ask about writers and theorists and periods of literature and critical concepts. At least this is what I think they'll ask me about. I'm not exactly sure. I'm hoping that these last 6 years of bullshitting will really pay off, and it will be my time to shine.

And if that doesn't work, I'm going to bring them brownies. If there is anything I've learned by being an instructor, it's that there's nothing wrong with some good old fashion sucking up.


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