A Modern Allegory: Her Heart

I've been reading a lot of Medieval allegory lately, but don't worry, I'm not going to post any excerpts of medieval lit here. Instead, I've decided to write my own modern allegory. It's clearly fictional and as always, open to interpretation.

There once was a bright, welcoming place called Her Heart. The door was always open and the windows were so clear the glass appeared invisible. The whole place was spotless. There were no fences or locks in Her Heart, as it was always open. Her Heart was home to many including Joy, Acceptance, and Faith. In fact, Her Heart never turned anyone away.

One day Selfishness (who came from a place called His Heart) came into Her Heart and made a big mess. He took everything he wanted from Her Heart leaving Her Heart alone and empty.. Her Heart wasn't the same after that. Then, Sadness came in, kicked off his shoes, plopped down on the couch, and refused to leave forcing Joy, Acceptance, and Faith to find a new home. He invited Self-pity, Loneliness, and Dispair and they, too, made themselves at home in Her heart. They turned off the heat and kept all the curtains closed. It was dark in there, and cold. Sadness locked the door and wouldn't let anyone else in. He didn't take care of Her Heart and soon Her Heart began to fall apart.

Then one day Her Heart's previous tenants decided they had had enough. They wanted back in. Humor brought her friend Hope and together they grabbed the ears of Sadness and his friends and pulled them out of Her heart. Humor gave Self-pity a kick in the butt, and Hope told Loneliness that he was no longer needed. Then, Forgiveness and Resilience came into Her Heart and started cleaning up. Forgiveness scrubbed all the dirty windows. Resilience fixed the door. Hope turned on the heat. Humor opened the windows and let the light in.

After that there were still a few cracks in Her Heart from His Selfishness and from Sadness, but Humor and Hope decided it gave the place character. Now, Her Heart was really lived in, and it was better that way.
The end


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