In between weekends

I had a good weekend, last weekend. On Friday night I met up with some friends in Sioux Falls. Some are present friends, some college friends, and one was a high school friend. They knew me at various stages of me being Amanda, but at one point in the night I wondered, "Do any of them know me now?" I am confident that at least some of them do.

It was confirmed on Friday that I do, in fact, have some sort of curse that keeps me away from the people I want to see, and shoves the people I want to avoid in my face at the most inopportune times. Like at that bar that night, when I thought I had cheated fate by finally standing next to a good friend after 7 years of living 50 miles apart and never running into each other. My friend was back, and it was weird but it was nice. And just when I thought, "Hey, about time those darn stars align," I looked over and saw the two I dread seeing. Maybe not dread, but certainly avoid. And that's exactly what I did. "You're so mature, Amanda." Yeah, yeah, yeah..

The rest of the weekend was spent in Pierre with friends who make me laugh so much I snort, who rub my head when I have a terrible headache, and who let me be me, even though I know squat about tennis and/or SD politics. They have great taste in music and appreciate a good nap. We get along great.

On the way home, we stopped in a parade in Winner, SD and walked along the parade route passing out stickers for Marty Jackley, who is running for SD Attorney General. Random, I know. Really I just passed out stickers to kids with snotty noses and tried to get to them before the campaigners with candy came around. We did it to help MW's big sister who is campaign manager for Jackley. They're both good people, so you should vote for him. (I'm so political it's ridiculous)

I came home, showered, read, and went to bed early. The weekend was relaxing and refreshing, but it took the rest of the night to get back into the Vermillion state of mind. Now, where should I go this weekend?


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