I Love Apples

So I've made up my mind, and I'm ready for my press release. Since I'm fairly confident that nothing in my life will ever require an actual press release, this is as close as I will get. So let me have my moment. :)

After careful deliberation, meditation, contemplation, and one honking pro/con list, I have decided what I'll do after I graduate in December. It's been a decision that has been hibernating inside me for years, rearing its head distinctively two Novembers ago on my second trip to the city. It felt good to be there, I mean really good. And after I left, I experienced a longing that has continued to persist, pulling at my coat sleeve and whispering in my ear, "Come back, and stay awhile." And so I am. In January, I'll move to New York City where I'll find a job, a crappy studio apartment, and hopefully that unidentified thing that I'm looking for. I've decided that if I'm going to be broke, and lonely, and lost, I might as well be all of those things in one of the greatest cities in the world (thanks for the perspective DP).  And I'm in luck, because my good friend EH knows the city well and will be living with me and showing me the ropes, for a few months at least. So there it is, my life plan. Now nothing but Frank Sinatra and Jay-Z until Christmas.


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