Thank You, Friends..

....For transporting my sick macbook from the evil doctors in Sioux City to trained professionals in Sioux Falls (LS)
....For including me in your big city lives and your plans to "pay your taxes." (GG and JW)
....For telling me you love the throw pillows and magnets I made you even though there is a good chance they will fall apart/break before their first use (JK)
....For reassuring me that I am ready to take off my Midwest training wheels (EH)
....For remembering me on my birthday, and the day after that, and the day after that (--)
....For honoring and including me on the biggest day of your life: July 9th, 2011!! (TB)
....For calling me and emailing me relentlessly even though I SUCK at returning said calls/emails. (CS)
....For getting our apartment all set up and calming Judy down (KS)
....For sending me new music (though I can't enjoy until I get my computer back..) (MM)
....For sending me funny texts about Shania Twain and signing them "love, mom." (KG)
....For being bummed that my office was moved. (DS)
....For reminding me about all those fish and so many seas. (JG)
....For letting me quit picking after 4 cucumbers because I was so afraid of seeing a snake (Grandpa Don)
....For letting me use your macbook right now as I type this (AKL)

....And for being interesting and kind and strong and loving. Thank you for being you.


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