My January bedroom and other annoyances

Last night I took my students bowling. None of them had ever bowled before. They all beat me.

I have so many mosquito bites, I'm worried I actually have the chicken pox. Last night I was so desperate for relief that I put Vicks vapor rub on the itchy spots. It didn't work; now I just smell bad.

There are no windows in my bedroom. It is dark when I go to bed and dark when I get out of bed. It reminds me of January. Can a person get SAD in August?


  1. THERE IS SUCH A THING! I just read it in a magazine, so here it is:

    "As summer ticks by, one in six women struggles with irritability and fatigue. The culprit: unrelenting heat, which can squash serotonin production as readily as dreary winter days can. "The good news is, 'summer SAD' is a lot easier and faster to treat than the winter variety," says Norman E. Rosentha, M.D., a psychiatrist at Georgetown University. "Spend just 30 minutes a day in a cool pool or cool bath, and you could be feeling amazing in as little as three days."

    SO...... Sioux Falls has nice pools....and I'll buy a slip 'n' slide if you come visit. Besides, we need to celebrate your birthday.

    As for the skeets, rub some lime juice on the bites...good luck :)

  2. Thanks for the insight/skeeto tip! I feel much better now that I am fully informed :)


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