Dreaming Dwarfs

Last night I had a dream I ended up pregnant from a one night stand with a little person. I also didn't know I was pregnant until I had given birth. I also didn't know the father was a little person until I found him hiding in my mom's closet while I broke the news to her that she was a grandma. My baby suddenly looked like an 8 year old. He was taller than his one-night-stand father. And CS got married again so she could have a purple wedding dress. Then my mom got a new microwave.

Never smoking swisher sweets before bed again!


  1. There was a midget in my dream last night. A lady midgie. She was sitting in a booth in a restaurant. One lady wanted to get a picture, and suddenly everyone pulled out their cameras in attempt to take her picture. She got out of the booth, I thought she was leaving, but then she started leading a train/bunny hop with lots of followers....
    I'm fairly certain you inspired this dream...well...your blog did, anyway...

  2. Hahhaha....I better be careful what I blog about!! Bunny hop.. that's hilarious.


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