A bedtime story

Once upon a time there was an English girl living in lonely castle on the outskirts of town, past the Hy-Vee, in the village of Vermillia. She had one cool roommate named KS, but KS was often whisked away by the evil dragon, Lawskull. Alone the English girl was, and she grew quite sad that all of her friends had moved on. The English girl was especially sad one day because one of her dearest friends, MD, went to the distant land called Heaven, and she knew it would be a long time before she saw her dear friend MD again. She cried and cried and cried in her cinder block castle. Then one day, she came back to her castle to find beautiful yellow flowers and a note that said the perfect thing. It was left by her friend the Prince, DP. He was traveling through Vermillia and left the English girl the flowers and note to cheer her up. The English girl became so happy. She did the fairy tale equivalent of texting the the Prince DP to come over if he was still in the village. He was! He came back to her cinder block castle, but just as the English girl and the prince were embracing in the parking lot, a mutant evil toad hopped ferociously into the castle and under the English girl's lay-z-boy!  The Prince bravely reached under the recliner, scooped up the toad, and took it outside and gave it a talking to. (This prince was very polite). Then the English girl and the Prince sat in their recliners and talked about how their lives were shaping up and what their dreams were. The English girl and the Prince talked about how hard it is to find a good prince around Vermillia and around DP's home, the Sioux Empire. They both agreed that Roberto (from the Bachelorette) is mint. Then, the prince had to leave, but they decided to meet up again soon at the greatest castle after Eureka's, Carey's Castle. And the Prince DP and the English girl both ended up finding really hot princes both looking like Roberto (ironically) and they all lived happily ever after.

The End
and Good Night.


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