We are all terminal

So many of the people I have lost in my life have been taken away suddenly and without warning. In a car accident or with a heart attack or in an accident at work. They were alive, and then suddenly they weren't. And somehow I sort of get that. It's black and then it's white.
I get death, but I don't get dying.

I don't understand the slow process of life fading away. I can't wrap my mind around saying goodbye to someone who is still here. I can't comprehend what it would be like to experience it myself.

Really, what is the difference between living and dying? Aren't we all one day closer to the end, whether a doctor has given us a time frame or not?

A friend's mother has cancer, and when she asked the doctor if she was terminal he told her, "Carla, we are all terminal."

That really doesn't clear up my questions, but it certainly does put things in perspective. 


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