Love Happens Quote

Yeah, yeah, it's another romantic comedy movie love quote.. get over it. I like it because it reminds me of a conversation I had with MM a few weeks ago sitting outside a restaurant in Omaha. We talked about shitty things men have said to us and sweet things men have seen to us. I said that the best compliment that a man could give is a compliment about something a woman creates, not something that is already created (ie physical appearance). Then I saw the movie Love Happens and thought, "Exactly!" Though it definitely isn't entirely applicable, I agree about the last few sentences.

"I happen to know a thing or two about people. You get approached a lot. Probably have since the day you strapped on your first training bra. But you're smart, and you're creative, and you're caring and big... But, how come the guys only see the package it comes in, sure... you're flattered. But ultimately, ultimately it's tiresome because it has nothing to do with you. You were born that way, you can't take credit for it. Your insides though, that's yours. That's what you want someone to truly see. Even a stranger."

Guys: You can tell her she has beautiful eyes or great legs, but if you really want to compliment her, tell her you love her generous heart and adventurous spirit, her wit and disposition. Tell her you love her writing.


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