The Way That Things Are

My life lately has been a string of scattered couches and air mattresses, fast food wrappers in my jeep and credit card receipts from gas stations from five states. I've been here, I've been there. I've been traveling to see old friends and traveling to meet new ones. I wake up disoriented, go to sleep exhausted, and in between I seem to float around getting lost and getting found with my crappy gps.

I am lucky to be able to take some time off of my life of responsibility to slow down and speed up at my own pace. I am lucky that I have beautiful, inspiring friends to invite me to come, stay, drink a glass of wine (or 4), dance, talk, and nap. I am lucky to have friends to make me breakfast in the morning and sleep back to back with me at night. I am lucky to have this June and this opportunity. I am lucky to be in Kansas, lucky to be in bed.

And someday I'll be ready for a permanent mailing address, ready to wake up and go to sleep in the same bed with the same man. I'm sure there will be a time when I'm ready for matching appliances and matching furniture. I'll welcome the weary traveler instead of being the weary traveler. I'll be ready to be stationary and stable and settled.

That's someday. But for now, I'm feeling chaotic and spontaneous and I'm feeling happy with the way that things are.


  1. You have such a way with words. I'm so glad you're doing what you're doing. You'll never forget it. You make every day seem like such a fun adventure! Keep it up, friend. You are the best.


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