Kansas: Quit playing games with my heart!

Kansas did not want me to come. Kansas sabotaged my gps when I was looking for a gas station and called the Highway patrol when I was speeding to get here ($170 ticket, remember?). Kansas put many road blocks, both literal and figurative, in my way but I persevered and I made it to Kansas.

Now Kansas doesn't want me to leave. Kansas placed a nail directly under my tire so I would run over it the day before I am supposed to leave. Kansas told AAA not to answer any of my calls, and Kansas sent over a weird guy with a long pinky nail to help with my tire. Kansas told him what to do, and he made it worse. A lot worse. But luckily I had CS with me, and we figured it out. We told Kansas to suck it.

Kansas, don't worry. I'll be back. Please be nicer next time. 


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