Leaving, always leaving..

My friends all graduated last week. Well, not all of them, but the friends that didn't graduate are still leaving me alone in Verm.
And I'm going to miss them.
I'm going to miss you.

I'm going to miss seeing you last before I go to sleep and first when I wake up in the morning. That sounds like you're my husband, but you're actually just my roommate. I'm going to miss rushing home to smoke swisher sweets with you in our backyard when we're stressed out by papers we haven't written. I'm going to miss making racial jokes about our macs (yours is black and mine is white). I'm going to miss getting sucked into Law & Order SVU episodes for hours at a time with you. I'm going to miss you your wit and your tozzi.

I'm going to miss having "picnics" with you every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in my cubicle. I'm going to miss the way that you walk to class twice as fast as I do even though my legs are twice as long. I'm going to miss asking the question, "Do you want to get a drink tonight?" and always hearing "Yes!" I'm going to miss being called a Jew because I love using coupons.

Even though I don't see you every week, I'm going to miss knowing that you are in Verm every Monday and Tuesday for class. I'm going to miss randomly seeing you at the MUC or getting half priced hamburgers on Tuesday nights. I'm going to miss complaining about grad school with you.

I'm going to miss getting in fake fights in the cubes. I'm going to miss listening in on your conferences with your students when you tell them ridiculous things and I have to keep from laughing out loud. I'm going to miss sharing Neil Young with you and eating Chinese food.

I'm going to miss bitching together at the end of a very long day (or series of days) about school, and smells, and sounds, and sights, and basically everything that irritates us. I'm going to miss coming home in the afternoon to see you completely enthralled in Maury. I'm going to miss you and your licorice.

Even though you're not graduating, you are leaving Verm and I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss the way that you yell at your dog when he pees on the floor or barks. I'm going to miss the mystery notes you leave under my windshield wiper, and I'm going to miss your music and your art.


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