Random 2.0

My computer battery is at 33% and I left my charger at home. I have three papers to write today and a zillion emails to send, but I scored the study room with the window and I refuse to leave. I also refuse to actually start my papers. So sue me.

Out of all of the shapes, the triangle is by far my least favorite. A love triangle, the Bermuda triangle,  the food pyramid. No thanks.

When my little sister was 14, my dad called me and told me I was going to be an aunt. Actually, my cousin was having a baby, and he was going to be an uncle. He got confused. It was a stressful 2 minutes until I figured out what he meant.

I understand bros before hoes. I get it. But what if she's more than a hoe?

I am not learning anything in Philosophy class, but I remember every example sentence we use:
"The unicorn ate the pillowcase."
"The present king of France is bald."
"Ralph says that there is a rocket under his bed."
The best we used last night: "Chuck Staben is hunting commies." I don't think it was a textbook example.

Vermillion is a weird place. Whenever you want to avoid someone, you see them everywhere. Whenever you want to run into someone, you can never find them. I'm usually at the library or my office or Carey's. Once I went to Pizza Hut. Yesterday I ran into two of my students at Wal-Mart. I was buying something embarrassing.

Now my battery is at 14%. I better get started.


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