Pen Pal GG

I got the best card in the mail today. The front said, "Bad Ass Motherfucker." I don't think I've ever said those three words aloud. Not consecutively, anyway. It was from my friend GG who is like my little postal angel. She seems to have a 6th sense about when I need a pick-me-up, and on those days, I come home and find a funny card or cute magnet or new CD. Her message today told me to write a book so she can brag to her librarian friends that she knows a real writer. While I don't think GG should hold her breath (grad school may be the end of me), I promised her that if I ever publish a book (apparently facebook posts don't count) I will dedicate it to her.

My dedication will say:

"To Georgie Ann [married name if you change it]. For calling me a bad-ass-motherfucker, for telling me I can be an artist, and for imagining a scenario in which I have something for sale at a bookstore. And for all the magnets. You kept me going. I love you."

I hope I didn't jinx it.


  1. I never read a book without reading the dedication. Writing a book is such a huge accomplishment so having all of that hard dedicated to one person is one of the biggest honors I can think of. I can't wait to have one (because I know you'll do it!).


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