Don't rush me

I've sort of always been a late bloomer. I blame it on my parents who sent me to kindergarten as a wee little 5 year old (barely). I was the last kid on the block to ride without training wheels and the last girl in the locker room to need a training bra. I didn't "grow tall" until the 11th grade. My mom worried about me sometimes and pushed me to do things that I didn't think I was ready to do (ie choose a college, make a life plan, etc.) My dad was always in my corner, however, always calming my mom and saying, "Amanda can't be rushed. She needs to do things when she's ready." I appreciated that about him, and he was right. I don't like to be rushed. And I need to do things when I'm ready. You can call it being stubborn; I call it being patient and deliberate.

Don't pressure me.
Don't rush me.
Back off.


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