We're all so weird

SS hates everything about newspapers: the smell, the texture, everything. JK's socks never match. She snorts when she laughs. Everything about chewing gum makes KS gag. She likes the sound of typing keys. When asked how his day is going, IL always says, "I have no legitimate complaints". CC refuses to touch the bottoms of shoes. She needs a fan to sleep. So do I. LS never walks up the stairs, she always runs. She puts the bowls on the top rack of the dishwasher. I never do. TB always looks when I say, "Don't look now but..." GD hates the rumble bars on roads before stopping at stop signs. JN makes the best sound effects for explosions and weaponry. KG tells me, "Here's the thing" and then, "The thing is..". She spends no less than 6 minutes when brushing her teeth. MM likes sitting on a chair with her legs propped up. She looks great with her hair in a bun. EH pinches me sometime for no reason at all. JG gives tight hugs. DK prefers clear shower curtains. AO grew up on a farm but hates animals.  PG pets cats with the back of his hand. AB has a "beer face". ST eats Lean Cuisine pizzas for breakfast. MM has little boxes of raisins in his cubicle. SW puts herself in the corner when she has said something inappropriate during class. DL says, "Say.." before introducing an idea or a question. SG's goal in life is to be like Kelly Ripa. JS likes eating ketchup on English muffins. AR is allergic to the sun.


  1. You are so busted. stop putting the bowls on the bottom. THey fit better on top


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