
On Friday I talked KG into going to Carey's for happy hour. I called her when I was outside her house to pick her up. She answered the phone and told me, "OK I'm outside your house." We decided to meet there and hung up.

It seems like whenever I need a paperclip, I can only find bobby pins. And whenever I need a bobby pin, I can only find safety pins. And whenever I need a safety pin, I can only find paperclips. It's a vicious cycle.

I made my bed this morning for the first time in months. I used to make my bed every morning, but I don't anymore. I wonder what's changed.

KS is at a Law School prom tonight. I don't know if that's actually what it's called. But that's what we call it. I was never asked to Prom in High School. Is that embarrassing? I went anyway. That is embarrassing.

Today was a day that I was caught off guard. I wasn't expecting it, but it was triggered at Palm Sunday (or Saturday) mass tonight. "Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble." I miss him.

IL told KG and me about the Buddhist Commune where he used to live/work. I don't really understand what that is. I asked KG if it was like on that episode of LOST. She said, "Yes, it's like the Dharma Initiative." It made me miss something about last winter. I never thought that would happen.

Sometimes I wonder who reads this. I wonder if you read it. I wonder what you think.


  1. I think I love it, I think I read it almost everyday, I think you're funny, KEEP writing!


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