Philosophy, Oy Vey...

"It would be impossible to compare an idea with a thing if the thing were an idea too. And then, if the first did correspond perfectly with the second, they would coincide. But this is not at all what is wanted when truth is defined as the correspondence of an idea with something real. For it is absolutely essential that the reality be distinct from the idea. But then there can be no complete correspondence, no complete truth. So nothing at all would be true; for what is only half true is untrue. Truth cannot tolerate a more or less. But yet? Can it not be laid down that truth exists when there is correspondence in a certain respect? But in which?..."

--"A Logical Inquiry" by Gottlob Frege

Yeah.. I'm in a class called Philosophy of Language. I really like language. Philosophy... not so much. I don't know what the H these people are talking about! Imagine the paragraph from above, times it by a three hour class once a week and an average of 40 pages a week. Close your eyes, spin around 18 times, and do a handstand. That's exactly how I feel in this class. It is going to be a loooooong semester.

I need help. That's my philosophy.


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