Mazel Tov!

It has recently come to my attention that I have a fetish. A Jewish fetish. The other night I was making a mental list of male actors that I would like to.. hold hands with.. and I realized that they all have one thing in common. They're Jewish. Also, they're hilarious. But there are plenty of hilarious male actors that just don't get me going like these guys do. I think it's all about that cute little kippah they wear. Now, if only they believed in Jesus...

In other news, lately people have been telling me that I'm a racist. Does this post make it true?


  1. I'm not sure if this is a joke, but I love Seth Rogan. I've decided he might be my soulmate. I appreciate his self deprecating humor and his adorable Jew Fro.

  2. NOT A JOKE. He's smoking hot. and a hoot. Rock, paper, scissors for him?

  3. Oh my gosh Amanda, I have a thing for Jewish men too! And now, I work for a Jewish Senator!!!!! hahahahh, oh goodness, I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!
    p.s. your blog inspires me :)


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