Tough stuff: Hurt and Forgivenes

Tonight I had a insightful chat with my good friend JG. We talked about blogging, her impending adventure to Austalia, relationships in general, and New Years Eve. After our conversation, I started thinking about the concept of forgiveness. Just like the book He's Just Not That Into You, forgiveness is an idea that seems so simple in theory but is a lot more difficult to implement into daily life.

As humans, as people who wake up in the morning, tie our shoes, drink coffee, listen to the radio, swear, and lay down our heads at night, we all hurt. We hurt each other and we hurt ourselves. Sometimes the hurt is intentional, sometimes unintentional, and sometimes a combination of the two, I think. Sometimes the hurt is a quick pang of pain that is sharp but fleeting. Other times the hurt comes fast and hard. And it stays. This type of hurt can come in an unexpected phone call on a Monday afternoon or it can come as a result of many unanswered and unreturned phone calls. No matter what type of hurt we deal with, either as the hurt-er or the hurt-ee (I think I made that up), it doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel good to ache deep in the corners of your soul. And it doesn't feel good to look in the mirror and know that you are the reason for the ache in the corners of someone else's soul.

So, in my own encounters with hurt, I've found that there are two options. One, hold on to the hurt, think about it, focus on it when you are on the treadmill or at the library or in the shower. Think about how angry/sad/damaged you feel because of a particular person or situation. And cry and shout and take tylenol pm at night to help you sleep. Or.. two, forgive. Forgive the person who hurt you or come to terms with the situation that you were powerless over. Forgive yourself. Forgive God. Realize that hurt only heals with forgiveness. Forgive.

(I have done both. Do the latter; trust me.)

Tonight I ask forgiveness for any hurt that I have caused. And to those who have intentionally or unintentionally hurt me and are remorseful and/or guilt-ridden, I want you to know that with the utmost sincerity, I forgive you.

If Rihanna can do it, anyone can do it.

Thanks JG for indirectly inspiring this post.



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