What is seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that affects a person during the same season each year. If you get depressed in the winter (YES!) but feel much better in spring and summer (I FORGET WHAT IT'S LIKE..), you may have SAD.

Anyone can get SAD, but it is more common in:

  • People who live in areas where winter days are very short or there are big changes in the amount of daylight in different seasons. (HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO SOUTH DAKOTA--YES!)
  • People between the ages of 15 and 55. (OH, GREAT)
  • People who have a close relative with SAD. (3 ROOMMATES IN GRAD SCHOOL=YES)

What are the symptoms?

If you have SAD, you may:

  • Feel sad, grumpy, moody, or anxious. (CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, AND CHECK)
  • Lose interest in your usual activities. (I NO LONGER LIKE TO READ AND/OR SMILE)
  • Eat more and crave carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta. (PIZZA HUT BUFFET ANYONE??)
  • Gain weight. (WORKING ON IT)
  • Sleep more and feel drowsy during the daytime. (I'M CHANGING MY MIDDLE NAME TO "ZZZZZZ")

For most people with SAD, symptoms start in September or October and end in April or May.(OH, SHIT)

I think I have SAD.. or MAD (Monday Affective Disorder)... or AYKMSDAD (Are You Kidding Me South Dakota? Affective Disorder)... Bring on the skin cancer, I'm going tanning.


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