Nothin' like some nun lovin'

I met up with the Sistas today. First I went to the Multicultural Center where I saw that not much has changed. When I asked Sister Veronica if many people were coming to her Native American Culture class she said, "No" (that hasn't changed). Then Sister Veronica reminded Sister Ida (rather harshly) that it was her turn to stay at the center and miss mass (that hasn't changed). Then Sister Teresa Ann asked me about "the romance department" (which hasn't changed) and when I told her that I was as single as ever, her face lit up and she suggested a calling to Sisterhood (that hasn't changed).

After a brief chat, Sister Ida rode with me to the monastery for daily mass. We sang "Piano Man" the whole drive, just like we used to. Mass was great, and I felt like a celebrity. Hugs from swarms of nuns is enough to make anyone feel good about his or herself. I stayed for lunch, liver and onions :( and afternoon prayer :).

This is me and the Sistas last December.


  1. You're such a doll! I think it's so cute that the nuns want you to join the league of extraordinary gentlewomen and you ever so respectfully decline. Only God could love you more than those nuns, and that's saying something!

    p.s. Liver and onions, I literally have never seen what that looks like. I probably would have assumed it was a piece of beef and gobbled it right up.


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