Tell me how you really feel!

Yes! I juuuust finished final revisions on my expat paper.. and by final revisions, I mean all the changes that my friend DS suggested. My favorite suggestion was to use the word "struck" instead of "hit" because it's longer. I'm not sure if DS was trying to be helpful because my paper was 12.5 font and I said, "Don't you dare take anything out" or if he was mocking me because I said, "My paper is too short. Will you take out all the short adjectives and replace them with longer ones?" Either way, I am quite pleased with his feedback, and I'm ready to send this bad boy off.

DS Feedback: Tell Me How You Really Feel

In case you can't decipher his handwriting:

"If you explain this one more time I swear to God..."
"Really. No. Say this..."


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