I hate the phone but I love you!

I hate talking on the phone. Hate it. I prefer just about any other mode of communication other than talking on the phone. But as my life has taken my friends and family and placed them in different zip codes, I have been forced to deal with this annoyance.

Tonight I had a great talk with TB and realized that it's really not so bad, to talk on the phone. In fact, I'm going to go out in a limb here and say that maybe I'm starting to actually enjoy it. It's great to hear a familiar voice, something that facebook posts and emails can't provide. It's great to hear laughter, too. Yeah, this phone thing isn't so bad after all!

Call me. I promise I'll answer now.

Oh, and TB: I'm excited for your latest development and can't wait to get awkward-giggles with you very soon!


  1. I couldn't agree more! That phone date was just what the doctor ordered.

  2. In that case, molly needs a physical exam appointment pronto. What is your latest development??!!!!!


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