If my job was a movie..

If my job was a movie, it would be a combination of "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray and "Sister Act" with Whoopi Goldberg.

Everyday, I wake up to the same song playing on my alarm, pass the same cars on my way to work, have the same conversations with the receptionist and my co-workers, sit at the same desk until 4:30, go home, go to bed, and do the very same thing the next day. That's the "Groundhog" portion of my life.

The "Sister Act" aspect of my job is due to the 45 Catholic nuns by whom I am constantly surrounded. Although, like Whoopi Goldberg's character, I am not one (a sista). I just don't quite fit in. It's not because I'm black or because I'm a Las Vegas headliner, but mostly just because I wasn't around during the FDR administration. Also, my hair still has color and I'm taller than 5'1".

I suppose it's sort of cool that both movies are critically
acclaimed! Ok, so maybe not exactly. But I did a little research and "Sister Act" did win a People's Choice Award in 1992! "Groundhog Day" has got nuthin' except for my own love and admiration... which I guess isn't saying much.

Oh, one last quick movie addition for the mix.. "Stuart Little". I just found out that the office is infested with Mice.



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