Good summer/bad summer

The problem with having a really shitty year directly following one of the best years of your life (so far) is that as every day passes, I can’t help but think about what it was like “last year at this time”. For example, last year at this time, I was working at the Multicultural Center with a pretty cool co-group leader named Greg. My parents were spending the whole week in Waubay at our lake cabin. I was house-sitting and preparing for a great 4th of July weekend in Vermillion with my best friends. This summer, my co-youth group leader is a 65-year-old Sister named Sharon. My dad is forever gone as is our lake cabin, and my 4th of July weekend won’t involve my college friends but instead my mom’s high school friends as I’m her date to her 30th class reunion. It's like last year was a Mac, and this year is a PC. :(


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