YouTube, MyTube

Sometimes I sit back and try to imagine my life without YouTube. Then I shudder and rush to my computer like a 5 year old in front of Saturday morning cartoons. (Do they even have those anymore?!) Anyway, here are some of my favorite videos.. in no particular order

This is a video made from Valentine-related 'secrets' from

I am a self-proclaimed Regina Spektor nut and this video shows why. How cute is she??

This video moves me. I can't really explain why.. I love the movie, song, girl, boy, story, colors, everything. It's different.

Secret Heart by Feist is one of my top 20 favorite songs on the planet! Let me clarify, this version of Secret Heart by Feist is one of my favorite songs on the planet. If there is a way to somehow capture this video/song version and play it all around me all day, I would be a happy girl.

This is just freaking funny. You will never think of Aladdin the same.

A weird scene from a weird movie. Story of my life.

I could never be this cool. I could never write this well. I could never have that amazing British accent. Probably because I'm not British. I love this poem, however, and I feel the exact same way. I love my best friends.

A video I have loved for a long time but now means so much more. The story is happy/sad; all the good ones are.

I'll leave on a good note. This is one is TOO sweet.

Enough for one night.. more to come.


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