Funny things my mom says/does

Mom: “That’s a very good idea Amanda, I just don’t think it’s a very good idea”

Mom: “Your sister wants to go to Salon Dion in Omaha”
Me: (to self: “Why does she need to go to a Salon in Omaha?”)
“Oh, you mean Celine Dion!”
Mom: “Yeah, that’s what I said.”

When talking about getting a new computer…
Me: “I really just want an apple!”
Mom: “Well you can look in the fridge but I think we just have oranges.”

Mom: “Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you if you know what happened to our computer keyboard. I needed to type something but it’s missing!”
Me: “How could our keyboard be gone??...... Did you pull the drawer out?”
Mom: “Oh.”

The first time my mom texted me:
(She couldn’t figure out how to make spaces)

***Note: I am not making fun of my mom.. I love her! She is just a very funny lady! She laughs at herself too which is a quality I think more people should have.


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